9 Health Tips for Your Betterment at Workplace

Health is wealth and hence your well-being at your workplace is of utmost importance. You have to follow certain tips to keep up your good health at your workplace. Some of such health tips are:

  1. Keep your surroundings clean at your workplace without dust and dirt.

  1. Eat more vegetables, fruits, and nutritious foods while avoiding junk.

  1. Have hygienic habits in the washroom and be healthy.

  1. Do not welcome stress, manage your time and do not over work.

  1. Have 7 to 9 hours of complete and peaceful sleep.

  1. Indulge in yoga, meditation, walking and other physical activities.

  1. Avoid long commute hours and relocate near your place of work.

  1. Drink 2 to 2.5 liters water daily.

  1. Walk away from your computer and phone for few minutes during your work.